The horrors of the innocents individuals dying by another 18 year old, at an elementary school on May 24, 2022, in Uvalde Texas is hard to believe it happened again. We all were just getting through an incident that happened in Buffalo New York, in the supermarket parking lot by another 18 year old on May 14, 2022.
After hearing about the incident in Uvalde Texas, I literally cried for two days in a row this week. I cried for the people lost in the Buffalo New York. No one, would have ever thought we would be crying again so soon. However, here we are again crying over another senseless killing. I cannot imagine the horror and pain the parents and the children that lost their mothers and the husbands who lost the wives are experiencing about right now. The thought of losing your child, mother, wives this way is so horrendous. And my heart goes out to the all the individuals whom lost lost their love ones.
My emotions were all over the place when hearing about another shooting. There was a statement mentioned that the suspect stated that "he was bulled" during his time in school. However, these were not the children that did the bullying. I had to find a moment to reel in the emotions that I was having, then I had to just start praying. I know when all else fail, we need to just pray. My tears were still flowing, and everyone in the media that I watched was not able to fight back their tears either. Anytime something like this happens it feels like is just is to much! Questions are ask when will it stop? The answer is no one knows. However, something must be done.
I am sure there maybe some parents, children, and husbands at this point that do not want to hear anyone say anything about praying. However, those of us who can, let's keep these parents, children of lost mothers, husbands of lost wives and the world lifted up in prayer. We know this grieve will live with these parents, and children of lost mothers, and the husbands of lost wives, will live in their heart forever.
I leave you a comforting scripture:
"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33 NIV